The company

CompAM Fund is an independent Sicav (Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable) founded in 2003 by a group of professionals with a solid experience in the international financial markets. CompAM consists of 13 sub-funds:

Bond sub-funds

Active European Credit
Active Emerging Credit
Active Dollar Bond

Equity sub-funds

Efficient Global Equities
Efficient Emerging Equities

Subfunds in Avisory

Active Liquid Strategy
SB Bond
SB Blockchain Technology
SB Equity
SB Convex
Global Diversified

Multi-asset sub-funds

Flexible Bond
Global Flexible Blend

Our aim is to give to our private and institutional investors positive and consistent returns applying our investment skills. Our know-how combined with transparent and exhaustive communication allows us to guide our clients to realize their investment goals.

Management Style

The financial markets are often subject to erratic moves or ephemeral tendencies. In order to invest successfully across the unavoidable cycles it is necessary to have a management style well defined and constant over time, in order not to be influenced by the latest trend and to avoid irrational decisions in volatile circumstances.

While every management style cyclically incurs in unfavourable circumstances of market, the coherence of the investment process leads to better long term results. A well defined method and investment process helps the manager and the client to maintain the route in adverse market phases, avoiding to lose the direction towards the desired target.

Board of Directors


Massimo Scolari
Direttore indipendente


Gabriele Bruera
Director of Compass Asset Management S.A.

Roberto Di Carlo
Director independent

Lamberto Conte
Compliance Officer at Compass Asset Management SA

Ralph Trippel
Director of Compass Asset Management S.A.


CompAM Fund Sicav
12, Rue Eugenè Ruppert
L-2453 Luxembourg
tel: +352 26 64 50 2197


Compass Asset Management S.A.
Via Magatti 6,
6900 Lugano


PricewaterhouseCoopers Société Cooperative
2, Rue Gerhard Mercator,
L-1014 Luxembourg

Investment Manager

Compass Asset Management SA has been established in 1998 by a team of professionals with many years of experience in international financial markets. Compass Asset Management is completely independent and motivated by a long-term entrepreneurial spirit, knowing that the success derives from customers’ satisfaction.

The Company has been authorised by the Swiss Regulator FINMA as Investment Manager for Funds since 2007 and as a Securities Dealer (Effektenhändler) since 2017.

Compass AM