Mitteilungen für die Anleger
The Fund has not been authorized to be sold to the public in and out of Switzerland and the information contained on the following pages do not constitute an offer or solicitation for the sale of the Fund.
The Fund may be sold in Switzerland within the terms and conditions of Swiss law and current practice of the Swiss Financial Supervisory Authority FINMA and in particular the offer is reverted to institutional investors in accordance with the Swiss Collective Investment Schemes Act, art. 3 para. 1 and 10 para. 3 let. a. and b.
Therefore, if you access the following information and presentation of the Fund, you acknowledge that you understand and accept this disclaimer and comply with the restrictions given by the Swiss regulator. If you do not agree with this disclaimer and do not comply with the restrictions, do not access the following pages.
No information or any opinion expressed on this site shall be construed as a public offer, solicitation of an offer, or a recommendation to buy or sell investment funds, or provide any investment advice or service in relation thereto.